Integrate Rep AI with


Let your customers subscribe to SMS notifications via a conversation. Rep connects to your Postscript lists, so when customers ask for a discount, your AI Concierge can offer them one when they subscribe. Discounts used within the same session can lead to over 25% conversion rate.

About Postscript

Postscript is the most comprehensive personalized text messaging solution. 99% open rates, 30%+ click-through rates, and 25x+ ROI.

Enhanced Customer Experience

With Rep and Postscript, you can:

  • Let your AI Concierge collect leads for you
  • Subscribe customers to SMS subscriber lists
  • Offer immediate discounts to get immediate conversions

Your customers will get an instant discount when they subscribe and convert in the same session.

Empower customers
with an AI guided
shopping experience

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Shoppers deserve a better experience—so let's give it to them. Conversational Shopping is the future of commerce. Join us.

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